The lifestyle that is right for you has a great influence on switching on the genetic variants that are analysed in the Cardio Genetic Test.
Many diseases of the blood vessels that you suffer from in old age, such as heart attack, stroke and thromboses, are also caused by genetic variants. The lifestyle that is right for you has a great influence on switching on these genetic variants. In this way, diseases can be prevented or at least postponed to a later age.
Therefore, the Cardio genetic test checks up to 50 different genes for their variants. This is a genetic test on important topics in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Our results show you your individual risk for various diseases. Heart attack, stroke, thrombosis, diabetes and lipid metabolism disorders are just a few examples.
This genetic test has been compiled for you by specialists in preventive medicine to show you what you can do to stay healthy for a longer time. Your doctor will advise you individually and comprehensibly about your results.
The following risks are examined in this genetic test:
Coronary heart disease, heart attack, aneurysm, stroke, thrombosis, high blood pressure, lipid metabolism disorders, adult-onset diabetes, obesity, insulin resistance, inflammation, drug tolerance, stress management and depression.
Your expert for genetic tests
Dr. med. Kira Kubenz, MSc. in Preventive Medicine, is a private practicing physician in Hamburg and specializes in preventive medicine. As a physician and managing director, she has been developing scientifically based genetic tests for customers in Europe and Russia for many years.